Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Beginning

I like to think that I am "tech-savvy", but I'm going to be honest... I didn't know what a "blog" was until about a year ago and since then, had no real interest in them or the foggiest idea of how to start one or why I even would? My life is not exactly "page-turning" material.

However, after speaking with my favorite "foodie", I realized how much fun a FOOD blog could be! I mean, how many times have I been teased for taking "useless" pictures of food (ie. my favorite kind to take!)? Now I have the excuse that I'm using it for my BLOG! And how "21st century" does that sound?!

So in three, quick, easy steps, here I am typing away, or rather "blogging" away on my laptop, so let's get it started!

My first "post" is dedicated to my friend, Tracey who requested I send her my recently (okay, just tonight) created martini recipe!

I dub it the "Apple Cider-Tini"


Thinly slice a Granny Smith apple and combine with honey, OJ, cinnamon and nutmeg - all to taste. (this can be used for my Apple Strudel recipe - stay tuned)

Mash or "muddle" the above in martini shaker

2 "capfuls" (I use the cap of my martini shaker) of rum

1 "capful" of Amaretto

4 "capfuls" of apple cider

splash of soda water

Add ice and shake vigorously to create a "foam" on top

Pour and serve!


  1. Hooray! I'm so excited that our chat was the genesis for your food blog! And I must say, I think you're a natural!!

    Can't wait to foodie together soon and see our creations on the big screen!

  2. Sounds great....my official request for the next time I make it down your way
