Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Song of the day:  Casting Crowns, Courageous

Moment of beauty:

I have always believed that God is very real and active in this world.  I believe in the Holy Spirit and it's power.  I think though that I have somewhat doubted myself... doubted my importance and my worth. 
God has a way of nudging you from time to time though... saying "hey, I know what you're going through, I'm right here".
I got a nudge last night.
To start, I really should explain how it all began... it began with an "everyday miracle".
Almost 2 years ago, I received in the mail a little booklet called the Daily Word.  It's made up of daily stories, all relating to a different Bible verse.  Daily devotionals you could call it?
I was going through a really rough time and my heart was searching for answers, reassurance and comfort from God.  This really spoke to me and I was so thankful.
Then I found out that a woman who I barely know, took the time to find my address, contact Daily Word and pay for me to have this subscription. 
I know her from work and she's the nicest woman.  We would always chat when she came in and I always felt so good after she left.
I believe that God used her to get to me... and I am grateful.  I wish I could tell her how much her thought and care means to me.  I only hope to be able to spread this love in the future for someone else.
Now, back to last night... JD and I have a real problem with consistency.  We free feed our dogs, let them run the house, never discipline them and let them do what they want, when they want. 
We set goals for ourselves and rarely reach them and when we do, it's a huge feat.  Besides going to work, we have no set script for our day-to-day lives.  Each time we become "regulars" somewhere or develop some kind of pattern, we instinctively change.  I don't think we mean to, but it just happens... we rebel against predictability.
So with that in mind, we've been "trying" to read these daily devotionals every day.  We really like them and feel very satisfied when we finish reading.
Last night we got to bed in a reasonable time and pulled out our Daily Word.  I snuggled up to my pillow and Choco and was ready for JD to read to me.  JD is the designated reader and has been for a few years now.  We've had some luck finishing a few books together and JD has always been the one to read.
Last night, due to working late hours, JD was not only tired and sore, but was not in the mood to read to me.  He begged me to read and, like a brat, I refused and made a stink about it.  Finally though, I gave in.
Yes, God, I am stubborn.  This daily devotional really spoke to my heart, was exactly what I needed to hear and had been needing to hear for a long time, but perhaps I wasn't ready for it until now?
JD and I were dumbstruck after reading it and truly felt the presence of God in our life.
God lined up all the right people, situations, etc. to reach out to me and what did I do?  I stubbornly resist.  I got the message!! 
This is my moment of beauty... these words written in inspiration of God's love and protection... His hand in my life and in all of our lives... what could be more beautiful?
I invite you to take the time to look around and notice all that God has blessed your life with.  It really is worth the time to "stop and smell the roses".  :)

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